In this recipe, you configure FortiGate SDN (or Fabric) Connector for use with Microsoft Azure.
In the FortiGate interface, these connectors are called Fabric Connectors and are software-defined network (SDN) connectors that provide integration and orchestration of Fortinet products with key SDN solutions. The Security Fabric provides visibility into your security posture across multiple cloud networks, spanning private, public, and Software as a Service (SaaS) clouds. By using the Fabric Connector for use with the Microsoft Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), changes to attributes in the Azure environment can be automatically updated in the Fortinet Security Fabric.
Before installing and configuring the Fabric Connector for Azure, the following Microsoft Azure Infrastructure and Fortinet FortiGate components should be in place :
- A valid Microsoft Azure account and subscription. This could be one established by your organization or simply one of the free trial options available from Microsoft Azure (
- A FortiGate-VM ‘virtual appliance’ should be deployed in Azure
- An IPv4 outbound policy from the FortiGate-VM ‘virtual appliance’ on Port 2 (Internal) to Port 1 (External)
- A VM instance of a resource in the Azure environment. In this instance, a Linux server has been used for testing the assigning of a tag
There can only be one fabric connector for each type of environment (AWS/Azure/VMware NSX, etc.) on a FortiGate. In this recipe, it is a fabric connector for Azure. If the FortiGate is a virtual device in one of those environments, it is likely be the only connector configured.
1. Required informationBefore you create a Fabric Connector for Microsoft Azure, you need to collect the following information: |
All of this information is found through Azure rather than Fortinet sources. This recipe tells you where to find the information and where to apply it. Most of this recipe relates to a third party’s website, so some of this information, especially the Azure screenshots, could change. The following three items are already present in your Azure configuration and can be looked up easily. |
2. Getting the Azure tenant IDThe Directory ID in Azure is the same as the Azure tenant ID required by the FortiGate. |
Go to the Properties of the FortiGate in the Azure interface and find the Directory ID. |
To do it through the CLI: Step #A – Log into the Azure environment’s command line $ azure login -v -u <user_id> -p <password> info: Executing command login verbose: Authenticating... info: Added subscription PAYG Dev/Test Subscription info: Added subscription Fortinet Engineering info: Added subscription Pay-As-You-Go info: Added subscription SE-Subscription info: login command OK $ |
Step #B – Show the account information. Find the Tenant ID. $ azure account show info: Executing command account show data: Name : Fortinet Engineering data: ID : 2f96c44c-cfb2-4621-bd36-65ba45185e0c data: State : Enabled data: Tenant ID : 942b80cd-????-42a1-????-4b21dece61ba data: Is Default : true data: Environment : AzureCloud data: Has Certificate : No data: Has Access Token : Yes data: User name : <user_id> data: info: account show command OK |
3. Getting the Azure subscription IDThe Azure subscription is referred to in the Azure interface as the Subscription ID. |
Go to the Overview for the FortiGate VM resource. In the Azure interface menu, under Favorites, select Dashboard, then from the All resources column, select the name of the FortiGate on which you are configuring the connector. The Subscription ID is a hexadecimal number. |
There are two variations of finding the Subscription ID information through the CLI:
First, use the same login procedure from of Obtaining the Azure Tenant ID through the CLI |
Method A i – Create an output table for the information az account list --output table ii – Display the table $ az account show --subscription "<name of subscription>" | jq -r '.tenantId' 942b80cd-????-42a1-????-4b21dece61ba <-- Directory ID $ |
or Method B $ az account list | jq -r '.[].tenantId' A few accounts are skipped as they don't have 'Enabled' state. Use '--all' to display them. 942b80cd-????-42a1-????-4b21dece61ba 942b80cd-????-42a1-????-4b21dece61ba 942b80cd-????-42a1-????-4b21dece61ba $ |
4. Getting the Azure resource groupThe Azure resource group is called the Resource group in the Azure interface. |
The information is found on the same screen as the Subscription ID. This value is a string value assigned by whoever configured the Resource group. |
5. Azure client ID and Azure client secretAn Azure Active Directory application must be created to generate the Azure client ID and the corresponding Azure client secret, or Key as it is referred to in Azure. The complete instruction can be found at Keep the following in mind when you get to the part about making a New application registration:
The instructions show you how to find/create the two needed values, but different names are used.
6. Configuring the FortiGate |
Once you have collected all of the values, enter them into the Fabric Connector form. It should look like this: |
To do it through the CLI, create an config system sdn-connector edit "SF-connector1" set status enable set type azure set tenant-id "942b8<partially removed for security>dece61ba" set subscription-id "4f27<partially removed for security>e2f9a" set client-id "f66d<partially removed for security>b0755" set client-secret ENC cqAmO4/d<partially removed for security>cZJ4wyAZOQ== set resource-group "<user id>grp001" set azure-region global set update-interval 60 end Verification of permissions on the application At the end of Azure’s documentation for registering the app, there is a section on Assign application to role. Be sure to do this as well. |
7. Tagging resourcesIn preparation for showing how to create a dynamic address, an instance of a Linux system was created and tagged with the Name “Owner” and the value “test”. To do this for your own resources: |
You can create customized tag names and you can have more than 1 tag associated with a resource. |
![]() |
8. Creating an addressIn order to confirm that the connector has been successfully configured, you need to have a Fabric Connector Address.
Configuring one of these addresses is similar to configuring any other address object, but with a few different options. |
![]() |
The CLI version of the same address would be: config firewall address edit "azure-client" set type dynamic set comment '' set visibility enable set associated-interface '' set color 0 set sdn azure set filter "tag.Owner=test" next end |
FiltersTags are not the only option to filter the address. The Azure Fabric Connector supports the following filters:
Just like the tag value, these properties are found in the Azure interface |
9. Dynamic address in a Policy |
A dynamic address can be used in a policy just like any other address object, though they do have a different icon to show that they are a Fabric Connector Address. | ![]() |
That same policy looks like this in the CLI: config firewall policy edit 0 set name "outgoing1" set srcintf "port2" set dstintf "port1" set srcaddr "azure-client" set dstaddr "all" set action accept set schedule "always" set service "ALL" set logtraffic all set logtraffic-start enable set capture-packet enable set nat enable next end |
By using the FortiGate Fabric Connector for Azure, the configuration of the FortiGate’s policies is not dependant on the IP addresses of the resources connecting to it. The entire environment could be moved to a new Azure location on a different continent with different public IP addresses, even for internal resources. After the move, no reconfiguration needs to take place. Everything works just as it did before the move.
The post FortiGate SDN Connector for Azure appeared first on Fortinet Cookbook.